OUTBND strives to support brands and events in their media strategy from an activation and awareness phase all the way to conversion. How do we do it?
Confirmation Videos for participants
Wildcard Contest
Daily Stories with strategic tags and angles
Daily "Pills" or "recaps"
A video-contest that promotes one of the sponsors
An aftermovie
All this is done by keeping an eye for what RIDERS want to see, in order to maximize engagement. Most of our work is optimized for events. As such we have created two roles to take care of these projects.

Creates daily video content pills
(Raw runs, interviews or short clips)
Shoot and edit Action pictures to be used in the stories
After an event: A recap video of the whole experience

Interfacing between client and Content Creators
Publishing Video-stories, treating them as actual means of content creation
Publish on client’s feed
Consult with the client for media strategies

We believe in charging only per shooting days if the job follows our general outline. For longer or different productions an Ad Hoc Quote will be made.
Board, Lodging and Travel should always be provided, on top of all tickets/access that might be necessary for the job.
All edited and RAW Materials will be provided to the client at the end of the project.
OUTBND and its freelancers maintain the right to use the content (in the same or re-edited form) on their channels.

Stories are often an overlooked side of the «story-telling» in events: this is where people want to be kept up to speed with what’s going on. We made it our mission to tell Your Story via instagram stories.
Our Approach:
We treat stories like regular video content. That means that we try and shoot (with our phones) the best quality, close-up action shots. We do this almost «real time» and tagging athletes to create buzz around a location or an event.
Also for events, we offer an «audience activation» service to announce the coming athletes, by creating 14sec edits, to help building up the Hype.